Saturday, December 7, 2019

Environmental Policy for Energy Systems-

Questions: 1. What is Man? 2. What is Earth? 3. What is Nature? 4. Mans relationship with Nature? 5.Mans relationship with Earth? Answers: What is Man? BELIEF SYSTEM PERSPECTIVE Judaism According to the Judaism, a man is that person who works for the justice and morality and follow the rules which is set by the God. Christianity According to the Christianity belief system, a man refers to that person who follow Gods rules and has faith on the supreme mortal of Divinity. Islam According to the Islamic belief, a man is that perosn who is servant of God. He is the creation of the God. He possesses a soul which created by God (Santayana, 2014). Hinduism According to the Hinduism definition of man is only species which reach supreme truth which is not easily available. Confucianism According to the Confucianism, man is one who helps the other person and work with morals which set by the God. Buddhism According to the Buddhism, a man is that person who has five aggregates namely material, feeling and knowing, mental disposition and consciousness. So man is nothing but the composition of soul and body. Atheism In the Atheism the man is that person who is most the intelligent creature of earth but they do not believe in God. Other In another belief system the such as Jainism and different belief system man is the finest creation of God which helps the other people and spread the love in the entire world. What is Earth? BELIEF SYSTEM PERSPECTIVE Judaism According to the Judaism, the aim of the earth is to provide a place where the entire human can spend life and it becomes the source for their survival. Christianity According to the Christianity, earth means that place which created the God using different elements and it which eventually becomes a great source of the humans life. Islam According to the Islamic belief, the earth is that place which created by the mercy of God. It was created maintained the life of human and helps to the people for development of life Hinduism According to the Hindu religion, the earth is that place which was created by the Braham for the development of the human kind. It includes different elements such as water, soul air etc. for the fulfillment of personal needs of man. Confucianism According to the Confucianism, the earth is a foundation for the life and humankind. It becomes a supreme source for all humankind in order to fulfill needs of human and all other creature. Buddhism According to the Buddhism the meaning of the earth which consists different elements such as heels, hungry ghosts, animal and human (Orsi, 2013). Atheism In the Atheism the earth is the place where all humanity is living and completing life cycles. Other In the other religion, the concept of the earth is that where all individual can live and also follow the footsteps of God. The earth includes different elements such as water, fire, air so the human can live on earth. What is Nature? BELIEF SYSTEM PERSPECTIVE Judaism According to the Judaism, nature is created by the god for the fulfill the needs of human and the requirements of future generations. Christianity The view on the Christianity on nature is that it was created by the god for the human being and its surviving so it is our duty to take care of it. Islam According to the Islam, nature is the main source for human life (Santoyo-Castelazo and Azapagic, 2014). The entire human is made by nature so they need to give devotion to the natural environment. Hinduism According to the Hinduism is nature is referred, which consist different types of elements through which the life of human runs, nature includes water, herbs, and vegetation. So the human need to take care of it. Confucianism The Confucianism belief, nature is a source for the fulfilling basic needs of men. Buddhism Buddhism give stress that all human and animals are part of nature. It is sourced through which a man complete their cycles on earth. Atheism According to the Atheism, nature is the only source for surviving of human life. Through this, the human and animals receive foods and other things. Other In the other belief system are also based on describes the nature of the source and survive for human lifes and they believe to make protection of it. Mans relationship with Nature? BELIEF SYSTEM PERSPECTIVE Judaism According to the Judaism, the relationship between the man and nature are based on dual aspects. The purpose of creating nature is fulfilling human demands, on the other hand, the humans also need to protect the nature. Christianity According to the Christianity mans relationship with a human is totally based on Creation and fostering of human life. Islam According to the Islam Mans relationship is based on persistence and both are integrated part for each other. Hinduism In the Hindu, nature and mans relationship is an uncontaminated relationship (Cox, 2016). Through nature, human receive their surviving element and man need to worship nature for provide all essential elements of life. Confucianism According to the Confucianism, the relation of man and nature is based on the holistic development of human. Through nature, human develops and receive harmonious in their life. Buddhism According to the Buddhism, the man and nature are closely related to each other. With the help of nature, human survival. Atheism According to the Atheism mans relationship with nature based on the preservation of life and fulfilling the demand of each other. Other In the other regional the mans relationship with nature is expressed as a pure relationship. By limiting the use of natural resources and receive all things for human development. The human can worship the god. Mans relationship with Earth? BELIEF SYSTEM PERSPECTIVE Judaism According to the Judaism, the earth is a prime source for the human. So the relationship in between man and earth based on plants and animals are food for the humans. Christianity In the Christianity, the gods create earth so man becomes supreme domination on earth. The purposes of the earth are the development of human and assist in man's becoming immortal. Islam According to the Islam god created the earth for the preservation of human life and on other hand men also need to protect the earth. Thus, the relationship in between man and earth based on the preserve of each other. Hinduism In the Hindu Mans relationship with Earth based on human progression for their enteral life. Confucianism According to the Confucianism the relationship in between man and earth based on the way for heaven. Human follows the way of earth and earth follows the way of heaven (Spash, 2015). Buddhism In the Buddhism the relationship in between the man and earth based on the end of the life cycle while on the earth it is based on human birth and death. So the earth helps the man for completing this life cycles Atheism In atheism, they believe on the logical perspective according to them man relationship is based on fulfilling the demand for their own purpose. Other According to the other Evaluation of earth based on promoting and following steps of god. So the man needs to proceed the earth. References Cox, H., 2016. God's revolution and man's responsibility. Wipf and Stock Publishers. Orsi, R.A., 2013. Between heaven and earth: The religious worlds people make and the scholars who study them. Princeton University Press. Rook, G.A., 2013. Regulation of the immune system by biodiversity from the natural environment: an ecosystem service essential to health. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(46), pp.18360-18367. Santayana, G., 2014. The Life of Reason Or The Phases of Human Progress: Reason in Religion, Volume VII, Book Three (Vol. 7). Mit Press. Santoyo-Castelazo, E. and Azapagic, A., 2014. Sustainability assessment of energy systems: integrating environmental, economic and social aspects. Journal of Cleaner Production, 80, pp.119-138. Spash, C.L., 2015. The dying planet index: life, death and man's domination of nature. Environmental Values, 24(1), pp.1-8

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